Compiling Assets

Just like with Jigsaw (the project Kickflip was inspired by) the default build system is Laravel Mix. If you've ever used Mix in Laravel projects you'll be right at home. The version of Mix used by Kickflip is 6.0, staying current with Laravel 8.


Getting started is as easy is making sure you have Node.js and NPM. Then just grab the dependencies before compiling with:

$ npm install

For more details refer to the full Laravel Mix docs.

Organizing your assets

Overall organizing your resources is done very similarly to how Laravel would manage them. The main exception is in where the publicsources are located at, in Kickflip this is essentially the sourcesfolder.

In the end, compiled results of mix will end up within that folder first. And then copied as artifacts into the final build_*folders.

JavaScript and CSS

Organizing your JS and CSS assets in Kickflip is done identically to how you would with Laravel. This means Mix will look for your assets under the resourcesfolder. Then specific files will end up in their respective folders, for more see Laravel's Compiling Assetspage.

Within your core blade templates you can use the kickflip_mixhelper method as you would use the mixhelper.

Blade Templates

The core blade templates will live in your resources/viewsfolder just like in Laravel. You can compose your site using multiple layered Blade views just like you are used to.

Other static resources

Any other types of static resource files (like images, favicon or other media) should be placed in the sourcesfolder. You should organize it there in the same relative location necessary for the built site. Accessing resources

Compiling the assets

To compile the assets run:

$ npm run {dev/prod}

As mentioned, using Webpack via Mix the assets will be compiled into source/assets/builddirectory. Then Kickflip's buildwill build your site (including any static assets) into your /build_localdirectory.